You Might As Well Laugh

Our heroine’s adventures continue in a compilation of some of the most popular Facebook posts celebrating the absurdity of my everyday life.

Why Do I Keep Going to Walmart?

So my weirdest thing today post is a three-way toss-up. There was the knife in the drawer at work marked Exhibit A. Then at home I had to ask why there was a snake on the bathroom floor (it was a rubber one and the answer from my son was “I was playing with the cats.”). There were the 2 little old ladies having one heck of an argument in front of us at the Walmart checkout. No, we couldn’t use another register; that was the only one open. What were they arguing about? Where Jesus lives. I kid you not. They were both quoting scripture. The funniest thing of all was that they were both right.
It’s the express lane, not the express yourself lane. Why do I keep coming to this Walmart?

Why does everything have to be so difficult? Hopefully the person who got my chicken and strawberries with their Kroger groceries enjoys them, it’s my unintentional random act of kindness.

I just went to our local grocery and bought live worms. Let’s hope that’s the weirdest thing I have to do today.

so what was the weirdest thing today? Well, Friday night at Walmart so it would have to be either the guy walking around with a Superman Cape on from the toy dept. (he finally asked a kid to take a photo with his cell phone because “I’m trying to impress a girl”) or the fact that you can buy a machete for $7. Yes, my son asked and for the record, I said NO.

Louisville Lunacy

A woman being ordained despite the Catholic church ban is in our newspaper the other day below the fold. On the front page above the fold: a bridge being off limits to pets due to people not picking up their poop. Way to go Courier Journal.

if you want to follow a wax Colonel Sanders wearing one of the real guy’s white suits across the big four bridge, the march of the colonels is tom. Only in Louisville folks. I hope he doesn’t melt; it’s going to be 91 tom.

Fun with my Son

I’ve managed to avoid the car rider line at the high school down to the last 2 weeks of school. I think a Friday when I’m running late and it’s raining calicoes and poodles and a wooden deer needs to be loaded into the back seat is not the best time for an inaugural run but that’s what happened.
The chips for Spanish class and the falafel for social studies are all finished. Now there is oil all over the kitchen. At least I managed to wait until the very last batch of chips before burning myself with hot vegetable oil and hubby has offered to take care of cleanup. It’s a good thing I only work part-time and only have one kid because otherwise I’d be passed out on the couch.

Further weirdness today; took my son to Dairy Queen after youth group to get some dinner. The employees outside say “hope you don’t want ice cream because the machines are broken.” OK. When we got back to our car, there were a bunch of teenagers in the car next to ours yelling the F word at each other (in a silly way, not angrily). When my son got in the car I said “ah, the meeting of the local young idiots is in full swing.” It’s just another fun night in the mountain city.

When the dr. asked my son how he got the bad scrape on his leg, he never expected to hear “riding a mechanical bull.” He said that would not have been in his top 10 expected answers. I asked if he’d ever heard that one before and he admitted he had not. When I asked if there was a cure for head up the butt syndrome, I was informed that it doesn’t go away until a guy reaches about 30. (I had responses to this post that insinuated that 30 is a rather hopeful estimate)

Movie snacks, junior mints raisenettes and skittles and … Popcorn with a side of jalapeños guess who got that?

My son is off to a week of scout camp and everything is packed tightly into a rubbermaid footlocker. How in the world did those kids get to Hogwarts with everything in a trunk? They must have been really big or magical.

Adventures of the Technologically Challenged

My phone is all registered and updated and everybody is back in the contact list and everything is backed up and my e-mail and Facebook are back in my account instead of hubby’s. I’m not too stupid to use a smart phone I’m just, as my son puts it “technologically challenged.”

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